Architectural Design Decision Model for Resilient IoT Application


Identify IoT Threats and IoT Critical Objects in An IoT Application Domain using

Table of Relationship between IoT Application Domains, IoT Critical Objects and IoT Threats.

Here we present the main IoT Critical Objects and the possible IoT Threats. These IoT Threats correspond to the Enumeration that composed the ADDM4RIOTA and are presented in detail in the tables: Table 1 - Physical Layer Threat Type (PLTT), Table 2 -Nature Threat Type (NTT), Table 3 - Hardware Threat Type (HTT), Table 4 - Network Layer Threat Type (NLTT), Table 5 - Application Layer Threat Type (ALTT).

For a more detailed description of how to use ADDM4RIOTA and the tables (enumerations) see Modeling Process.

The following tables describe each Enumeration that composed the ADDM4RIOTA

IoT Critical Object Table with Acronym Back to top

Table 1 - Physical Layer Threat Type (PLTT) Back to top

Table 2 - Nature Threat Type (NTT) Back to top

Table 3 - Hardware Threat Type (HTT) Back to top

Table 4 - Network Layer Threat Type (NLTT) Back to top

Table 5 - Application Layer Threat Type (ALTT) Back to top

Table 6 - Energy Efficient Technique Kind (EETK) Back to top

Table 7 - Redundancy Technique Kind (RTK) Back to top

Table 8 - Self Protection Technique Kind (SPTK) Back to top

Table 9 - Disaster Recovery Technique Kind (DRTK) Back to top

Table 10 - Self Configuration Technique Kind (SCTK) Back to top

Table 11 - Self Healing Technique Kind (SHTK) Back to top

Table 12 - Fault Recovery Technique Kind (FRTK)Back to top

Table 13 - Self Optimization Technique Kind (SOTK)Back to top

Table 14 - Detection Technique Kind (DTK) Back to top

Table 15 - Autonomic Architecture Kind (AAK) Back to top


p1 - Self-management in Internet of Things - Timo T¨ oyry

p2 - Introducing Autonomy in Internet of Things

p3 - Detecting Distributed Denial of Service Attacks Using Data Mining Techniques

p4 - Methodologies for detecting DoS/DDoS attacks against network servers

p5 - Detecting DoS and DDoS Attacks by using an Intrusion Detection and Remote Prevention System

p6 - Denial-of-Service detection in 6LoWPAN based Internet of Things

p7 - Denial of Service Attacks in Wireless Networks: The Case of Jammers

p8 - A Model-Based Validated Autonomic Approach to Self-Protect Computing Systems

p9 - An Architecture for Self-healing in Internet of Things

p10 - SVELTE: Real-time intrusion detection in the Internet of Things

p11 - Energy-Efficient Communication Protocol for Wireless Microsensor Networks

p12 - SHoWA : A Self-Healing Framework for Web-Based Applications

p13 - Bio-Inspired Self-Healing Routing to Improve Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks

p14 - Autonomic Protocol and Architecture for Devices in Internet of Things

p15 - Autonomic schemes for threat mitigation in Internet of Things

p16 - On the features and challenges of security and privacy in distributed internet of things

p17 - Distributed Denial of Service: Taxonomies of Attacks, Tools and Countermeasures

p18 DDoS through the Internet of Things

p19 - DEEJAM: Defeating Energy-Efficient Jamming in IEEE 802.15.4-based Wireless Networks

p20 - Wireless Jamming Localization by Exploiting Nodes’ Hearing Ranges

p21 - Design and implementation of spectrally-encoded spread-time CDMA transceiver

p22 - A Survey of Security Mechanisms with Direct Sequence SpreadSpectrum Signals

p23 - Joint reactive jammer detection and localization in an enterprise WiFi network

p24 - Tackling Security and Privacy Issues in Radio Frequency Identification Devices

p25 - IEEE 802.15.4 Low Rate –Wireless Personal Area Network Coexistence Issues

p26 - RFID Reader Receivers for Physical Layer Collision Recovery

p27 - A survey of energy-efficient wireless communications.

p28 - Time synchronisation attacks in sensor networks.

p29 - Mobile ad hoc networking (MANET): routing protocol performance issues and evaluation considerations

p30 - Threshold Cryptography-based Group Authentication (TCGA) Scheme for the Internet of Things (IoT)

p31 - Hello Flood Attack and its Countermeasures in Wireless Sensor Networks

p32 - Rate Limiting Client Puzzle Schemes for Denial-of-Service Mitigation

p33 - Intrusion detection of sinkhole attacks in wireless sensor networks

p34 - A Sinkhole Attack Detection Mechanism for LQI based Mesh Routing in WSN

p35 - Detection and mitigation of sinkhole attacks in wireless sensor networks

p36 - LSR: Mitigating Zero-Day Sybil Vulnerability in Privacy-Preserving Vehicular Peer-to-Peer Networks

p37 - P2 DAP – Sybil Attacks Detection in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

p38 - SybilLimit: A Near-Optimal Social Network Defense against Sybil Attacks

p39 - SybilGuard: Defending Against Sybil Attacks via Social Networks

p40 - Lightweight Sybil Attack Detection in MANETs

p41 - Selective forwarding attack detection using watermark in WSNs

p42 - Defending selective forwarding attacks in WMNs

p 43 - CADE: Cumulative Acknowledgement based Detection of Selective Forwarding Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks

p 44 - Secure Localization with Defense Against Selective Forwarding Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks

p45 - A Survey On Selective Forwarding Attack in Wireless Sensor Networks

p46 - A survey on mitigation methods to Black hole Attack on AODV routing protocol

p47 - Securing Wireless Data Networks against Eavesdropping Using Smart Antennas

p48 - Overview of Security Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks

p49 - Flooding attack and defence in Ad hoc network

p50 - Toward an Automatic, Online Behavioral Malware Classification System

p51 - Secure and reliable clustering in wireless sensor networks: A critical survey


p53 - Security Challenges in the IP-based Internet of Things

p54 - Internet key exchange (IKEv2) protocol. RFC 4306

p55- The transport layer security (TLS) p rotocol version 1.2. RFC 5246

p56 - Datagram transport layer security (DTLS) over the datagram congestion control protocol (DCCP). RFC 5238

p57 - Host identity protocol. RFC 5201

p58 - Protocol for carrying authentication for n etwork access ( PANA). RFC 5191

p59 - Extensible authentication protocol (EAP). RFC 3748

p60 - Internet of Things - Security Vulnerabilities and Challenges

p61 - Review on Fault Detection and Recovery in WSN

p62 - Security in Internet of Things: Challenges, Solutions and Future Directions

p63 - Internet of Things Security: Layered classification of attacks and possible Countermeasures


p para usar na definição de threats)

p65 - Basic Concepts and Taxonomy of Dependable and Secure Computing (

p para usar na definição de threats)

p66 - Cyber Security and the Internet of Things: Vulnerabilities, Threats, Intrudersand Attacks

p67: A new approach to investigate IoT threats based on a four layer model

p68: The Internet of Things for Health Care: A Comprehensive Survey

p69: Energy-Efficient and Fault Tolerant Methods for Message Delivery in Internet of Things

p70 - Energy Efficient Naive Bayes Prediction Model for Data Reduction in WSN

p71 - Data Reduction using Incremental Naïve Bayes Prediction (INBP) in WSN

p72 - Routing Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey

p73 - MAC Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey

p74 - Energy Efficient Reliable Data Aggregation Technique for Wireless Sensor Networks

p75 - Internet of Things: Wireless Sensor Networks

p76 - Architectural design for resilience

p77 - Redundant power techniques for servers explained

p78 - Advanced Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy


p80 - Adaptive Sampling Mechanisms in Sensor Networks

p81 - Random Coverage with Guaranteed Connectivity: Joint Scheduling for Wireless Sensor Networks

p82 - Design of Gateway for Monitoring System in IoT Networks

p83 - The vision of autonomic computing (IBM)

p84 - A Model Driven Engineering approach for Business Continuity Management in e-Health Systems

p85 –

p86 -

p87 – IoT-A

p88 – Software systems architecture: working with stakeholders using viewpoints and perspectives

p89 - An overview of anomaly detection techniques: Existing solutions and latest technological trends

p90 - Lightweight Defense Scheme against Selective Forwarding Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks

p91 - An efficient countermeasure to the selective forwarding attack in wireless sensor networks.

p92 - Perfectly Anonymous Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks

p93 - Deploying Sensor Networks with Guaranteed Capacity and Fault Tolerance

p94 - Energy-Efficient Communication Protocol for Wireless Microsensor Networks.

p95 - Fault-Tolerant Clustering of Wireless Sensor Networks

p96 - Algorithms for Generic Role Assignment in Wireless Sensor Networks.

p97 - Maté: A Tiny Virtual Machine for Sensor Networks

p98 - The Remote Processing Framework for Portable Computer Power Saving

p99 - A Virtual Machine For Sensor Networks

p100 - Fault Tolerance in Sensor Networks Using Self-Diagnosing Sensor Nodes

p101 - Fault Tolerance in Wireless Sensor Networks – A Survey

p102 - Distributed Bayesian Algorithms for Fault-Tolerant Event Region Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks

p103 - Mitigating Routing Misbehavior in Mobile Ad hoc Networks

p104 - A Health Monitoring System for Wireless Sensor Networks

p105 - Efficient Tracing of Failed Nodes in Sensor Networks

p106 - Fault Management in Eventdriven Wireless Sensor Networks

p107 - Sympathy: a debugging system for sensor networks.

p108 - Detecting Selective Forwarding Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Two-hops Neighbor Knowledge