Modeling Process

This section presents the steps required to design a resilient IoT application using the ADDM4RIOTA. It is divided into four phases that are executed in an iterative way as depicted in Figure showed above. The activities are performed by the main group of IoT application stakeholders. The set of actors in our processis composed of: Domain expert, Resilience Expert, Device developer, Software designer and Network Manager.

Domain expert:

responsible for instantiates the IoT Domain model by identifying the domain elements, such asvirtual entities, resources, devices, services and users. It has ability to understand domain concepts, including the datatypes produced by the sensors, consumed by actuators, accessed from storages, user interactions, and how the systemis divided into regions.

Resilience Expert:

responsible for identifying the critical objects in IoT Domain Model and lists the threats and associated countermeasures. It has experience on fault, failures and error in IoT device and software, and knowledgeon security, self-management and resilient constraints.

Device developer:

responsible for writing drivers forthe sensors, actuators, storages, and end-user applications used in the domain. It has a deep understanding of the inputs/outputs, and protocols of the individual devices.

Software designer:

responsible for defining the structureof an IoT application by specifying the software componentsand their generate, consume, and command relationships. It has Software architecture concepts, including the proper use of interaction modes such as publish/subscribe, command, and request/response for use in the application.

Network Manager:

responsible for install the application on the system at hand; this process may involve the generation of binaries or bytecode, and configuring middleware. It has a deep understanding of the specific target area where the application is to be deployed.

Figure above depicts the UML Activity Diagram illustratingthe modelling process with its phases and actors (or stakeholders).

The first phase

of the modelling process (Phase 1) encompasses the modelling IoT Application (activity 1a). This activity is performed by Domain Expert that should instantiate the application domain model, since from it will be identified the IoT Threats and IoT Critical Objects. For this activity could be used any Domain meta-model of literature such as IoT Domain Model (IoT-DM) [7] and Personalized Monitoring System Domain Model (PMS-DM) [20].

The second phase

of the modelling process (Phase 2)encompasses two activities: Identify IoT Threats (activity 2a) and IoT Critical Objects (activity 2b). These activities will be performed by Device developer and Software designer and to help them carry out these activities we provide a table called Relationship between IoT Application Domains, IoT CriticalObjects and IoT Threats based on [18,21,26]. It gathers the main IoT Threats and critical IoT Objects for the three main domain of IoT Application: Industrial, Smartcity and Health well-being. In this table we have the relation between the main elements that can be classified as IoT Critical Objects and the main source of IoT Threats that can affect the workings of these elements. Furthermore, table of Relationship between IoT Application Domains, IoT CriticalObjects and IoT Threats has relation with IoT Threats Tables that correspond to the Enumeration that composed the ADDM4RIOTA and are presented in detail in the tables: Table 1 - Physical Layer Threat Type (PLTT), Table 2 -Nature Threat Type (NTT), Table 3 - Hardware Threat Type (HTT), Table 4 - Network Layer Threat Type (NLTT) and Table 5 - Application Layer Threat Type (ALTT).

The third phase

of the modelling process (phase 3) encompasses one activity: List possible Resilient Countermeasures (activity 3). It will be performed by Resilience Expert that should list the main resilient countermeasures to mitigate the IoT threats identified in the previous phase. To help the Resilience Expert carry out this activity the enumeration tables of ADDM4RIOTA (Table 5 - Application Layer Threat Type (ALTT), Table 6 - Energy Efficient Technique Kind (EETK), Table 7 - Redundancy Technique Kind (RTK), Table 8 - Self Protection Technique Kind (SPTK), Table 9 - Disaster Recovery Technique Kind (DRTK), Table 10 - Self Configuration Technique Kind (SCTK) , Table 11 - Self Healing Technique Kind (SHTK) , Table 12 - Fault Recovery Technique Kind (FRTK) , Table 13 - Self Optimization Technique Kind (SOTK) , Table 14 - Detection Technique Kind (DTK) and Table 15 - Autonomic Architecture Kind (AAK)) gathers the main Resilient Countermeasures. Furthermore, the IoT Threats Tables has relation with Resilient Countermeasures tables. This relation is of many to many.

The fourth phase

encompasses two activities. Select the Resilient Countermeasures (activity 4a). In this activity all stakeholders will participate and use architecture design decisions and group decision using principles and methods through Decision package. It will help to find the best resilient Countermeasures from of the selected in the previous phase, in activity (3). Others stakeholders can be included in the group to participate in modelling processes such as software architects, developers, designers, testers, users, etc. Update modelling IoT Application Domain Model (activity4b). Before finished the modelling processes must be checked if there is need update in IoT Application due to selection made in activity 4a.


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